
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Daddy's Day

Our Daddy's Day started off a little dreary (is this really summer?)...and ended up a whole lot of wonderful! How could it not with 6 amazing Father's to share a savory bowl of bœuf bourguignon with?
Since Father's Day was so long ago now I've had a lot of time to marinate on what it means to be a Father...and though I'm not one myself, I am truly blessed to be surrounded by some fantastic ones, men who love God, love their wives, and delight in their children. To be a Father is to be put into a serious pressure situation...providing for your family (even if there are dual incomes often the Mommy is seriously out of commission for awhile), keeping a positive attitude, engaging in a united front as you raise a child with your partner. Parenthood certainly changes the dynamic of a marriage and brings new meaning to the word partner- in a really trying and good way.Some men crack under this pressure and I'm truly thankful that "my" men haven't and with all these boys growing up in our family it's a gift from God to have these men as loving examples. I wouldn't have it any other way. Happy Father's Day!


  1. What a beautiful tribute, Jenny!

  2. :) loved this post! so many fun pictures from a wonderful father's day dinner in your home, jenny. thanks again for hosting! love you.

  3. lovely post, it was a great Father's Day celebration

  4. such a sweet tribute indeed! It was wonderful being in your home, thank you for having us all over and making such a delicious feast! I know we enjoyed ours for several days after!! xo

  5. You DO have a lot of special men in your life, you lucky girl! :) So glad you all had a wonderful Father's Day!

  6. Oh those Goughs and Penarandas are just the best! I miss them and there goodness.
