Dan & Alisha we love you and are anxiously awaiting your permanent arrival to Seattle whenever that might be!

After the beach we had a chance to celebrate the 2nd birthday of my sweet nephew, Simon! And I feel like I should document this....about a week ago when Rebekah, Paula, and I went into Simon's room to wake him up from a nap he opened his eyes and said, "hi Jenny!" But that's not all...he also proceeded to point at me and say, "you look cute!" Don't worry, I got clarification and that's really what he said. He is such a loving little guy and I am so blessed to be his Auntie!

Hope I'm not the only one who was able to enjoy the weather, here's wishing for a nice weekend!
Your little nephew is really cute+funny... and he is right... you look great!!!
Ps:our 7th anniversary special evening wasn't in Venice but on the Garda Lake...
Take care!
and you did look cute Jenny, as per usual! Simon loves you and so do the rest of us and may I say you are the most beautiful pregnant lady - you were glowing last night in the amazing sunshine! The photos from the beach are wonderful and I am with you..SUNSHINE RETURN!!
it was great to see dan & alisha last night, and i hope they have a great trip home. looks like you all had such a nice time enjoying the beach and the sunshine. i love these photos!
and i agree with rebekah (and simon!), you are looking terrific, jenny! happy and radiant. :) love you.
So good to see a little of Lish and Dan. I'm so bummed I missed their visit. Thanks for posting this!
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