Several weeks ago, on one of my many routine loads of laundry, I discovered that Wesley wasn't the only little critter pooping and peeing in our house. I was horrified to discover that some sort of rodent had taken up residency in our basement (cross our fingers he didn't travel anywhere else in the house).
Well, several traps later...with the help of peanut butter bait (don't believe them when they say it's a baitless trap- it didn't work)- the RAT is dead. Jane and I had to follow the blood trail to find him back behind the drawer of our dryer. My skin is crawling at the thought of it!
I thought we might have a "Lady and The Tramp" moment on our hands...but we don't have a dog!
I tried to select the least graphic photo...sorry if this is still too much for some of you. But if it's not enough...please let me know and I'd be happy to show you some from our personal collection ;)
thank goodness, ugh that brings back memories.
eek! glad you got that bugger...
Glad to hear you've taken care of him! I'm so glad we've only had squirrel problems so far, though I did notice a couple of rats sitting on the telephone wires that cross over our backyard. I just know they were plotting infestation of our house.
Don't you f-ing tell me that!!! (Okay, so I normally wouldn't write something this graphic...but I had to give a little what's up to Jenny's mom. For those of you who don't know, she and Jeff had quite the encounter with the rat after it was dead.)
We know how you feel Jenny, caught two mice in our house just about a month ago. Disgusting! Peanut butter is the key!
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