Our little Charlie Chaplin. Crawling means exploring, exploring means taking risks, risk does not often mean reward...in fact it's been quite a week...things falling on the little man's head, face plants on the base board...and just yesterday- fistfuls of dirt in mouth from our avocado plant (now residing upstairs).
I will say that Wes has perfected his fall- butt first now- and always manages to smile. I just hope he doesn't do any permanent damage.

The more he falls the more he learns, right? He's so brilliant AND good-looking...what must all the little girl babies on 65th street be thinking? Love you Wes...take care of yourself.
Oh ouch....a hard stage to go through (especially with hard wood floors!). Looks like nothing is keeping Wes down for long though :)
Such handsome boys! Glad he is being such a good sport about the crashes, I'm sure it's because he has such a great momma cheering him on :0)
Glad he's perfecting his fall! What a trooper...
I remember those days when the boys were younger, and it's still going on! Tyler went down pretty hard the other day playing football. Boys are tough. Wes is still soo cute! We miss him. Hope we can all get together soon.
Love ya..The B.Bunch
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