From our back deck! One that was discovered a little while back during our first peak of sun back in May. We didn't know it was there when we bought the place and I'm kind of shocked it wasn't in the houses write up...but it's there and it's visible when you layout on our double chaise lounge. Anyone want to join me this summer? I'm seriously working on my tan. ;)

Look closely, you can see the Space needle AND Mt. Rainier!
Jenny...what a lovely view!! (^_^)
WOW! You don't even have to look closely the mountain is amazing - your tan is really coming along too!
Though we didn't catch up the other evening, it's been good to see you. Congrats again on the baby and I'm sure I'll see you soon!
By the way, that view is awesome!
(btw, I'm no longer Ms. W!)
wait Alex...come back! I'm're no longer Ms. W? I know I don't have a link to your blog up hmmm, is there something I'm missing?!
I can't wait to see the view for myself!
Beautiful! What a bonus.
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