I'll list everything I can think of but if you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments.

Hmm, where to start? I guess I'll just start at the beginning...
- We conceived in April in New York
- I blamed any nausea on motion sickness since we went on a 17 day cruise
- I never threw up and experienced very little nausea during the first trimester
- Our first doctor appt. measured the heart rate at 170 (9 weeks) and 156 at the second appt. (13 weeks)
- I have been craving salty foods (but I kind of always do), oddly enough beer smells really amazing to me and I'm not much of a beer fan
- Now that my belly has popped out a little I appear to be carrying low (but I also have a very long torso)
- My skin has been pretty horrible throughout the pregnancy and is only now getting under control
- I've had fairly good energy throughout and only started feeling exhausted (usually around 4:00) during the last 3 weeks
- I've trained myself not to go pee during the middle of the night (I'm sure my doctor won't be too happy about that)
- I'm 27 years old
- Our due date is Dec. 23rd but we're hoping to have the baby anytime between Nov. 30 & Dec. 12...or Dec. 31 (not that we're picky or anything)
Ok, what am I missing? Better yet..what are we having? (thanks for indulging me)
- Rebekah did the string and needle test and it said "boy"
- I took 3 old wives tales tests and the first came out girl and the last two came out boy
- According to the Chinese calendar I should be having a boy due to my age and conception date
I'm the first prediction? I don't know if I can handle the pressure!
My first thought when you gave me the news was a girl...but your answers sound more like a boy...and you are having a Gough. Hmmm. Well here it goes:
Dave = Boy
Kim = Girl
PS: You look beautiful in your 18 week pic!
Yah how exciting!!!
I'm going with girl...based on the higher heartbeat and acne, as I had both with Cora.
We can't wait to find out!
Mom = girl
Dad = boy
We really don't care which; we just want to hold and spoil him/her.
Jenny- I have the feeling you are having a boy- it has been my gut feeling since I found out :-) But I do think it would be awesome if you guys concieved the first Gough grandaughter! You look great!
Up til now I have thought boy, but now I am saying girl.
And maybe I will finally have someone in the family to share a Christmas-time birthday with! ;-)
I know there's lot of rooting for a Gough grandgirl, and your answers sound the EXACT opposite of mine when I was pregnant with Eli. So I think that means you're locked in on a girl.
although i'd love a little girl for your first child, i have a feeling another gough boy is on his way. :) either way, i'm so excited!
can't wait for the results.
This is our prediction:
We can't wait for the final result! And we will congratulate with you in person!!! :))) Anyway we are bringing a little present for the baby that will suit both for a boy or for a girl!!! (^_^)
We will wait for news! ;)
I'm thinking boy.... although a girl would be a fantastic to add to the mix. I mean.... who's gonna cheer the new wave of Turkey Bowl members on?
Can't wait to hear the news!!!! Post ASAP.... or call us. We are so excited.
I just want you to have a girl so I have someone to buy all those cute clothes for that I've been eyeing. =)
Since your symptoms are also the opposite of pretty much all of mine, I'm going with a girl guess for the blog.
Either way, I just can't wait to find out!!! Don't be surprised if I show up in the waiting room to greet you when you get out-- just kidding...
Love you!
alright, I have been thinking about it all day...when I asked Simon this evening if he thought it was a boy or girl he very clearly said "girl baby" ..my first instinct was boy and I am like 99% of the time wrong on my first instinct so..
I say - GIRL!
Simon says - girl baby
Chris says - "I am going to say boy but I won't be overly surprised if it is a girl"
Levi says - boy (according to Chris)
good luck tomorrow and you do look amazing in your 18 week shot!
oh and Claire says GIRL! (just so you know Chris told her to flip a coin when I asked her so we know where he gets his answers, I get mine usually from needles and thread :))
I have no personal experience in this matter...but I am going to say GIRL based on the fact that I am one.
My guess is for a girl, just because she would be fun to dress. I'll be happy with whatever you get though. :)
Arrgh, my knee jerk says it's a Gough, it's boy. So I'm going with girl. Love rooting for the underdog.
Either way, yahoo for babies!!
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