Monday, July 14, 2008

the Republic is back...

...and there's going to be trouble! Well, not really but it just felt right to say that! But yes, it's true the Republic's sophomore album is nearly finished and my life as a groupie will continue after a two year hiatus.

The weekend before last the boys played at a picnic and proved that they've still got "it"! Too bad the baby couldn't technically hear (that's starting to happen this week), I think it would have really enjoyed the show.

Are they in a band or part of a logging crew? This picture was just so "senior photo" I couldn't resist posting it.


La Dolce Vita said...

Jeeeeeeeeeeff!!! I want your CD!!!!!!!!



katy said...

it is really about time!! you are doing a good job as number one groupie letting the rest of us mere mortals know about these comebacks.


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