Friday, November 09, 2007

And I Wonder Why...

...I'm gaining weight!

Well, this is corporate life- get up early, go to the deli for breakfast (yes, our deli serves breakfast- I usually just get water and cottage cheese, but sometimes I splurge and get hasbrowns and bacon), sit in front of the computer for hours, snack all day, debate whether or not to work out durning lunch (yes, we also have a gym)- typically lunch prevails, leave work in darkness.

Did I mention that someone in the office likes to bring Krispy Kremes EVERY Friday? I took 1 bite of a frosting filled boston today and threw the rest away. I would have eaten the whole thing out of obligation but I really wasn't enjoying it and thought "not only am I doing myself a favor, I'm also doing someone else a favor by taking away a donut" I'm actually contemplating taking one donut an hour and throwing it away..I might be killed!

Today working out will WIN! I'm going to lose my extra "I'm a happily married woman who gained sympathy weight for all her pregnant friends" pounds starting now!


kaseburg said...

You're right...we should get together again soon- I could throw a rock to your guys place.

As for the sweets, don't get yourself hurt- coming between sweet goodness and satisfaction could really be considered a crime. I say this: you look wonderful! Give in to the gym three times a week just because it's good for your health and everything in moderation. ;-)

We'll get together soon.


Angela said...

oh man alive I HEAR ya! I absolutely made mysself get up at 5:30am the last couple of days to walk/run away the Halloween candy that is still in my house! There is no escaping all the treats this time of year! Good for you for eating just one bite of that Krispy Creme! That is willpower! :-)

ilse said...

The only way I've been able to control myself is by reminding myself that I am going to be in a bathing suit in less than a week - we are going to Kauai. So i get my tush out of bed, and go the spinning class at my gym, or go for a run. Speaking of which - the sun is coming out over here, and so i think i'll go for a run!

Jocy May said...

oh funny- i thought you looked THINNER these days (sorry, that's probably not very motivating).

Kristen Gough said...

I love your candor, Jenny... But I think you look great! (And I say this because I mean it, not because I think you are fishing for affirmation. You really do look healthy and vibrant, Jenny!) This is no time to go on a diet with the holidays right around the corner!! :)

simonsenfamily said...

That's funny Jenny. When I worked... our lunch room was always filled with crappy food. I have been trying to watch myself these days as well. I will be on the beach in Brazil (Sao Paulo) right after Christmas!!! Our flex room has an eliptical now and you are more than welcome to come work out anytime (not that you need to- i agree with the group that you look great!)

Good luck doughnut ditcher!

Jenny said...

Thank you ALL!

Jocelyn- that's why I love you..but I think the long hair is an optical illusion....

Casey said...

throw baked goods away?! gasp!!! i'm indulging in them right now...but I know I won't be able to do that for long after this baby comes :)

I like the new blog colors. I almost went with orange myself, but decided on green! :)

Joanna Roddy said...

GO girl! I am so upset about American default eating habits, especially in schools and workplaces. I think I'll write an essay about it.

ANYWAY, I am totally with you. Now that I've got my thyroid under control (and am bored out of my mind in Maine with the only thing to look forward to being my yoga classes at the YMCA), I am totally getting my bod back to the way it was when I got married two years ago. It's only ten pounds, so I think it's a reasonable goal.

Tonight after an hour-long hardcore workout, I came home and had a fruit smoothie, a rice cake with cashew butter, and for dessert, a gluten-free pancake with a little pure maple syrup (all-natural, no refined sugars--still has calories, though!)

I agree with everyone, you always look fabulous and svelt. Regardless, I feel a certain solidarity with you over post-wedding pounds. By the way, you might try yoga. It really works your body without being all in your face about it.

Enough with my novel. Keep me posted!

CristieMaye said...

i love baked goods...the cupcakes in the picture are making my mouth water! i can totally control myself around krispy kreme, they just don't it for me.

for some reason i have been feeling the urge to workout as well. it's been since june so it is about time. for some reason my trip to maui didn't motivate me but thanksgiving is really revving me up! :)

hope you are well!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny,
I'm Casey's sister-in-law, Heather. I hope you don't mind, but every once in a while I take a peak at your blog. I just couldn't resist commenting on your latest post.

I just got married in September and I'm already worried about the post-marriage weight gain. I think there really is something to the saying "fat and happy". Not only is it harder to find the time to workout now that I'm not single, but it's hard not to load my plate with just as much food as my husband (He's a foot taller and 110 lbs heavier than me!). We also find plenty of reasons to indulge in celebratory's Friday or it's snowing or we just feel like eating cookies. =)

Casey's goal of blogging every day for a month gave me an idea. I have decided to do week-day workouts every mon-fri for the next four weeks. So far so good...I've worked out both monday and tuesday this week. I figure if I give myself a short-term goal, I won't feel so overwhelmed. We'll see if it works.

Hope you have a wonderful holiday!

The Courter Family said...

You crack me up! All of us post pregnant ladies I'm sure a laughing hard. I tell you though, I cannot WAIT till I can go for my first run!!
I know it's not a ploy to hear these comments, but you do look FABULOUS! Nice work on the donuts :)

hey! let's go for coffee soon or maybe get together to do some type of sewing?! call me.


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