Well, it's not "official" official...we're still waiting for the neonatalogist to arrive and discharge us, but there's not a good reason it won't happen today. Wesley passed his carseat test, he's been doing "demand" feeding for 24 hours AND he gained weight. 5lb 9.3 oz compared to his 5lb 1.8 oz at birth!
I thought I'd share a before and after photo of myself. I had Jeff take a photo of me the morning of the Gough Family Shower...I had no idea it would be the last pregnant photo I had of myself outside of the hospital!
Here's little Wes in his carseat...such a wee thing, but he passed with flying colors. Come on doctor...get here so we can go home!
I'm nervous AND excited!!!
hooray!!! congratulations you guys we can't wait to snuggle Wes out in the real world and you look awesome - nice missing those last five weeks :)..
yay, yay yay! we are all so excited for you guys. I think Isaiah was so excited last night, he could hardly sleep ;)
you do look amazing. can't wait to see you guys.
Congrats Jenny! Now go home and put your feet up and smell that little guys head...and snuggle all day long...skin to skin is the bestest thing for those milk hormones! :-)
wonderful! you all are going to do great at home. i imagine it will feel a bit strange making the transition after being at the hospital these past two+ weeks, but how great to welcome wesley into his home, to show him his very own bedroom... yay! so exciting! and you look beautiful, jenny! i love the before and after shots.
Wes, you look so cute in the car seat. Can't wait to see you all. Love you.
This is great news! Jenny- I know you will do an amazing job with your family- even though I bet it feels nerve racking! Just remember 'mother knows best' :-)
When will you be ready to have guests!? :)
Congratulations! See you all soon.
Love, The B.Bunch
Happy to hear that you'll be headed home!!!
And I've never heard of a first time mom who wasn't nervous bringing her first baby home...but I know you have an amazing set of family and friends that will be there for you just in case you need them :)
Spent some time this morning getting all caught up on the adventures of little Wes. What a sweet boy. I am so glad that you three are headed home any minute now. Love you guys!
Wonderful news! can't wait to meet him!!
very exciting news! if all of these beautiful posts that i've been reading are any indication, you already are a wonderful mother! i hope you have a smooth transition to your home. congratulations. :)
yay! are you home now?!
I love that pic of wes in his carseat. Leta had to have little towels rolled up & propped under her legs & butt in order to pass her carseat test. And I must say that the picture we have of her in it is not nearly as flattering as Wes's- she was screaming :(
I'm so happy for you guys! Hope Wes is doing well!
Wes is so beautiful!! The ride home was very stressful for us (and exciting at the same time). Can't wait to see him. Please let me know when I can visit. I'm not on the dinner schedule until January!!!!
Jenny you look amazing!!! Remember what you said to me about the baby weight?! I am excited for you guys. You're going to be great at this job! Wes looks like a tiny little peanut in that giant car seat. :)
What a cute little guy!
I'm guessing that you're home now? I hope everything is going as smooth as can be with a newborn at home!
What an exciting season for you guys! Christmas AND a new baby!
I love reading your new mommy energy and positive attitude in the midst of obstacles! You will be such a great mommy to your little Wes. Congrats and good luck in your re-entry to home. It's such an exciting season in life!
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