Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I'm Ready...

...for some sun, some snow...but please, no more rain!

There's a QFC opening near our house and when I drove past it this evening on my way to the ridiculously over-packed gym I thought "hey, maybe Wes and I can walk here tomorrow" (I know, way too exciting of a day planned)...but then the rain, yuck. no thanks! now, what to do when you're stuck inside...

I know, shop! I finally caved in and purchased something from this incredible shop. I couldn't resist it....I could seriously have one of everything, in every color...but I settled for one. So you see? I'm being sensible!

What's keeping YOU busy indoors? Or are you braving the soggy Seattle weather?


Brianne said...

Cute, cute, cute!

I am ready for drier weather too! This being cooped up is for the birds...ha!

Jenny said...

very funny...ha, ha, ha.

Kelsie said...

I totally relate to your feelings about the rain! I asked Graham today if we could please move to Mexico. He said no. :o) We spent the day shopping too but in the U district. I think my jeans were soaked halfway up my calves! The rain definitely makes me lose my motivation to leave the house--maybe making bread from scratch would be a good alternative?

Rebekah said...

I am SO jealous I have been eyeing everything in every color in that shop for like two years!..at least someone sweet let me have an extended borrow on her jacket..yes you totally needed it since I stole your coat :).
I agree no.more.rain it sucks lets just all go on a vacation to Mexico..or go to Kelsie's for bread.

alisha said...

That top is so cute and so you. In fact, I'm not sure if that is you or not since I can't make eye contact with the model. Good purchase.

I sympathize with you on the rain front - no fun.

Pat said...

you can always crochet!


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